Byk sgt wedding yang wajib pegi, sampai terpaksa rotate baju kurung coz bwk balik baju sikit je.. Haha.. This time around, I managed to snap some of the pictures and I'm kinda of love it.. Love to see the lovely and gorgeous bride, the colorful pelamin and hantaran, and last but not least mkn nasi minyak sampai muak.. Hahaha.. Dah lama tak marathon pegi wedding, this time around Alhamdulillah dpt jgk pegi some of the invitations.. Mana2 yang tak dpt pegi tu, ampun dan maaf dipinta tak dpt sbb pulang ke kampung..
This time around I just share some of the pictures laa.. Next entry InsyaAllah I wanna story about my big boy, Arsyad.. Alhamdulillah 2 weeks plus dah pegi school.. Will story more later.. For the time being, enjoy the pictures.. :-)
suka sirih junjung ni..
she just like a princess..
cantik betul pengantin tu, mmg mcm princess