It makes me stress looking at my face. But syukur Alhamdulillah the pimples will come and go. I just have to be patience waiting for the pimples to go away. I didn't use any new products on my face, I just use the same one for almost 7 years now I think. And I really take a good care of my skin nowadays. I will use a scrub and mask, once a week. And I drink a lot of plain water. But still it doesn't help at all!!
I'm thinking of to try this Monavie or Berry Gen's drink. I read a lot of good reviews about them. It is good for skin and give us energy too. Is it right?? I have to do something to my skin. I can't keep on cover it up with makeup coz I hate to put on heavy makeup. Aaaaarrrggghhhh!! HELP!!!
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