
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Day Raya - Part I

This year is our first Raya with our lil one, Arsyad.. hubby took a leave for the whole week, so beraya sakan la kami.. hehe.. i was so damn excited, can't wait to try on my lil one's baju melayu with sampin n songkok, complete set okay.. :P thanks cik ma for the baju melayu n cik su for the sampin n songkok.. :)

Both of us are from Terengganu, so no need for us to argue which side to beraya this year.. we'll beraya at my hubby's side in the morning, then will go to my side in the afternoon.. coz my family is sooo big, we'll beraya till nite.. hehe.. luckily, the traffic was not as bad as last year.. so we enjoyed our Raya happily, and Arsyad was behaved along the day.. we was so amazed he can hang on wearing his Baju Melayu with sampin till evening.. berbaloi cik ma jahit kan.. haha..

Btw, our family theme for this year is maroon.. :) 

Mia Familia..
Macam-macam gaya..hehe
Lovely couple..hehe :D
with my cutest boy~
my heroes~ :)
wif bonda & ayahanda tercinta.. 
arsyad's sleeping at that time..haha 
So many piccas to upload.. will update more on First Day Raya - Part II.. hehe

p/s: Hopefully it's still not too late to wish all of u Salam Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin from me n family.. :D


  1. wah!! kata pun tokeh batik. raya haruslah berbaju batik yea..hihihi... nice theme anyway.. selamat hari raya aidil fitri to u & ur familia.. hehehe...

  2. hehe.. semestinya.. promote2.. haha.. wait for more photos.. semua pkai baju batik.. :D
