
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Down With Fever

My baby is down with fever after our Hari Raya holiday.. and till today, he's still not recovering, but he's getting better.. InsyaAlllah.. this is the 1st time my lil one sick.. i dun know whether it is bcoz of his 2nd tooth is coming out, or some people said bcoz of "beralih bulan" (he just turn to 9 months old last 2 days).. but then before this beralih bulan tak demam pon.. hurm~

Went to KJMC to check his condition as his temperature is very high especially at nite.. his paeds immediately gave him the medicine to reduce the temperature, it was 39.3 deg at that time.. his right ear also got an infection that made his fever getting worse.. need to watch him closely these 2 days, if not, we need to bring him back to the hospital to do the blood test.. and after 1 week need to do the follow up about his ear infection..

Alhamdulillah, he still want to have his precious milk but refuse to eat anything.. he also loss his weight about 100gram.. :(

Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah penyakit anakku dan lindungilah
kami sekeluarga dari sebarang penyakit dan malapetaka..

Please pray for my baby's wellness..