
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Solat Hajat n Doa Selamat @ Apeng's House

Last Sunday, all of us went to Apeng's house (just 2 - 3 minutes from our house) for solat hajat n doa selamat..All of us gathered together again!! yeah~ we went there around 12pm, solat hajat, then recite Yassin..i can't stay together to recite Yassin as Arsyad a bit cranky that day..coz its time for him to sleep..when mama stop baca Yassin, focus on him then he was ok, trus went to sleep..

After that, all of us menjamu selera with 'nasi dagang', 'keropok lekor'..yummy!!!lately, i always told my hubby to go back to Trg, wanna eat nasi dagang, laksam, keropok, and the list go on..then, suddenly nasi dagang at apeng's house..yea2!!i'm very happy, siap tapau lg bwk balik..hehe..thanks a lot bro..


everyone enjoys the food smpai menjilat jari..yummy!!
Photography learning session..sempat lg tuh..sabor je la!!

p/s: Alhamdulillah, doa kita dimakbulkan Allah..semuanya dah selamat and hopefully we were 
        blessed in everything we do..InsyaAllah..Amin~

1 comment:

  1. ju, aku dok dekat pon, rasa sama mcm dok jauh gok :P Cuma kalau emergency tak perlu fly 24hrs jer :P btw Alhamdulillah..
