
Friday, March 27, 2009

Arsyad Turns 3 Months Old

Yeah every 27th of the month Arsyad will be a month older..and now he's already 3 months old..waaahhh cepatnyee besar baby Mama nih..

He got another injection today..he such a good boy, just cried a bit..he is now 6kg and measures wonder he is chubbier and heavier far, Alhamdulillah he is a healthy little boy, berkat susu mama.. :)

He is such a good boy..not so cranky..always smile, laugh (especially with his papa), loves when we talk and play with him..just cry when he wants his precious milk n want us to hold him, especially when he wanna, i'm so in dilema whether want to work or not..if i send him to the nursery, i'll miss everything..everyday, he will able to do something new..hmm~ still thinking..maybe i just work at home, do some business..haha~

Back to my lil one..well, he started using his playgym tree house when he was 1 month old..just lying on it and gazing at the toys overhead..then he gradually progressed toward reaching for the toys, then batting at them, and finally grabbing them!! (maybe not yet..but sometimes he can, just not so long.. :) He has enjoyed in a different way through every stage of his development, and it has made me so proud and happy to see him discover his new abilities each step of the way..

Well, these are the latest piccas of my precious one~

Arsyad with his new toy 'caterpillar'

1 comment:

  1. The beauty of being a Mum who looks after their own children..It is a tough 24-7 job! but so rewarding, can't describe the feelings of being the 1st one to watch each milestone, each development. And you can teach them what you want them to know/learn, less (i don't say totally no :P)outside influence that might not be what we wanted ;-)And every daily things with them, with dua fr a Mum! zikrullah, can't list all the benefit..& pahala from Allah swt.
