My Beautiful & Lovely Life

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Arsyad

27 December 2013

Alhamdulillah.. Arsyad turns 5 today.. How time flies.. I still can remember the first time I hold you in my arms, I still can remember the relieved that I felt when I heard you cried for the first time.. Alhamdulillah Allah gave me a chance to be with my children from the moment you were born till now.. 

Arsyad's 1st day of life

When he was 6 months old :-)

When he was 1 year old :-)

Mama, papa and adik love you so much Arsyad.. You are one special boy in our heart, always make us laugh, always make us mad and most important thing is at the end of the day you always make me smile.. Even though you are extremely shy at school and with strangers, but you are one happy boy everytime you are at home with us.. 

Arsyad.. You will be always be my baby from the moment you were born till now.. May Allah bless you always, may you be one great khalifah, be a great muslim, be a great big brother to your lil bro and menjadi anak yang soleh di dunia dan juga di akhirat.. Amin~

When he was 3 years old

When he was 4 years old


  1. hepi bufday dear arsyad..smga mnjadi anak yg soleh..amin :)
    *aunty igt sokmo bufday arsyad sbb dkt date aunty tunang dulu 26.12.08 hehe :)

  2. Makin beso makin ensem arsyad nih..happy birthday..!


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