
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Beauty and The Beast The Musical

We got 3 free tickets from hubby`s friend to watch the beauty and the beast the musical on 22nd Dec. I love the story, but knowing my boys... Arsyad was not that excited everytime I read him the story. And Farrel just didn`t bother to listen. But as long as there is music, he will definitely enjoy dancing together. Hehe..

We went there around 5pm. We didn`t know that the show will be in the Sunway Lagoon theme park itself. So, we just parked our car in the Sunway Pyramid. We had to walk through the hotel lobby then went outside, walked another few hundred meters, went down few escalators, then reached the entrance around 630 pm. Then, we were told that they will open the gate at 715pm. I was like "What??!!" Why they just didn`t mention it on the ticket.. It was hot down there with so many people who just came out from the theme park. So we just patiently waiting, there is no use going up again with the stroller.

When the time comes, people already started queu-ing. They started to check everyone`s bag, coz no outside food and drinks are allowed in there. Once we were in, we have to wait for the train to pick us up or you also can just walk, it was just about 5 mins walk. Of coz we will wait for the train, kids were so excited once they saw the train is coming.
The show started around 8pm. Hubby had to walk back to the entrance coz there were no surau inside. I love the show so much.. They were all singing and dancing very nicely. At first, Arsyad was okay, but when the witch came out he suddenly scared hearing her freaky voice. Haha.. She was a very good actress. Hearing her laughing, screaming and even she flew down from the upper hall to the stage. Wow~ what a great performance!! Hehe..

Overall, the show is great!! Do watch it coz they will be here till 31st Dec 2012. :-)

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