
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fall In Love with Sugarscarf Hijab!!

Me on my 2nd pregnancy with Sugarscarf instant hijab

When I was pregnant my 1st baby I started to think how on earth I'm going to style myself when I wanna go out with my baby. When he was still a tiny little baby, it was easy for me to wrap myself using my favorite tie rack scarf. Then when he was started to crawl, love to put everything in his mouth, always want us to cuddle and hug him, it became difficult for me wearing the scarf. Coz he'll pull my scarf and put it in his mouth, then it'll ruin my look on that day. I hate it when I've to look myself in a mirror again and again to touch up my hijab.

After discharge from the hospital.. Still can look good right?? :-)

Then, I stumble upon Sugarscarf's website, then started bought few instant hijab from them. At that time, I was looking for something that is not that expensive like Ariani or Munawwarah. So, when I first received them, I was fall in love with the scarf right away. I love the material, not too hot to wear in our weather and the awning was made from Thai Silk so it looks kinda expensive. And hey~ it always save my day!! I can get ready in no time, when my baby was crying out loud, I just have to pick him up and then just wear the instant hijab then I'm good to go.. 

5 days after delivery.. :-)

 Wearing my baby is not a problem anymore..
 Don't have to worry on my look coz the hijab will always look good on me.. :-)

Then, after awhile my baby is growing up then I felt like wanna wear the shawl and scarf again.. Owh my~ most of my shawls are from Sugarscarf.. I love wearing them.. Just 3 simple steps then I'm done.. I don't like the complicated way of wearing the shawl.. Being me, simple is good enough for me..Just pin the hijab then put the longer one on my head and walla~ let's go!! Easy right? I love the material and the size is not that small and not that big.. So I can style it anyway I like.. 

45 days after delivery.. :-)

you can make it longer at the front or shorter, its up to you.. :-)

with or without inner I can still style it on my own.. :-)

So far, I don't have any problem buying online from them. Their service is good.. Eventhough some time I got a late reply but I'm one of very patience customers, so I didn't mind waiting.. Always hoping that the one that I wanted are not sold out.. Coz the minute they upload their hijabs, it will be sold out few seconds after that.. Can you imagine how HOT their shawls and hijabs is?

I can still entertain my toddler now and then.. :-)

Now, Sugarscarf has expanding and they have open their own boutique at Shah Alam and I still don't have time to go and have a visit there.. I would love to go there and get myself their yummylicious shawls and hijabs.. If I show you my collection of hijabs, I can tell you 80% of them are from Sugarscarf.. I don't know whether I'm a big fan of Sugarscarf or not but every week I'll be waiting for their updates on their new shawls.. Eventhough I didn't buy it, but I always eyeing for something to buy.. Haha.. 

For those who still didn't know Sugarscarf, you can add them on FB at their page. You can buy online at their website.. Plz do read their terms & conditions first.. And don't forget to go and visit their boutique at Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. You got to try them first to fall in love with them!!

Love Sugarscarf more and more!!


  1. bentuk muka u cantik bujur, orgnya pun sweet...pakai tudung camne pun tetap nmpak cantik :) mcm i ni, muka bulat...kena pandai2 pilih tudung style camne hihi

  2. haha sweet ke I ni? hehe.. thanks anyway.. tak kesah la tudung cane pon kan janji selesa nk pkai.. takdela g jln kejap2 nk baiki tudung je keje..hehe

  3. Hihihi tdung jue pkai mcm maira pn ade..tul tu..jue da cantek..pkai ape pn cantek :)

  4. Terima kasih atas maklumat awak nie... kalau saya kat depan awak..
    tentu saya dah cium tangan awak sebagai tanda terima kasih...


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