
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Having Fun @ Yukids Island, The Curve

We went there on last Monday as there will be not so many people on weekdays compared to weekend. The place is just small so if there were so many kids playing around, it will be so crowded and they won't have a chance to freely jumping, running, climbing and so on.

We need to pay RM20 per entry for the kids only during weekdays and RM30 during weekend, parents are free. And it is for unlimited playtime but no Re-entry. So main je la puas2 dulu baru pegi jalan2 coz dah takle masuk balik dah. And don't forget to bring your own socks. Klau lupe bawak pon takpe, coz ade dijual kat situ. Parents pon kene pkai socks okay. Yukids Island ni pon ade kat Tropicana City Mall. So sape2 yang takde plan ape2 for their kids, boleh la bwk diaorg dtg main2 kat sini. :-) 

Btw, it is located at 2nd floor at the Curve. Sape2 yg nak buat birthday party pon bley kat situ. Ade tempat disediakan and of coz unlimited playtime for the kids. :-)

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