
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Son's Bedroom

Pejam celik pejam celik dah 2 tahun kiteorg berpindah kat rumah sendiri. Dari rumah yang kosong, sekarang Alhamdulillah hampir penuh dah umah. Masa awal-awal pindah, yang ada just meja makan, queen bed set, one wardrobe, three chest drawers and one tv. No sofa, no built-in wardrobe, no kitchen cabinet and even no new curtains for the first few months. 

Now, Alhamdulillah semua dah ada. Yang tinggal just bilik Arsyad yg still kosong, just penuh dgn toys. Eventho hubby dah lama ajak beli his bedroom set, but I still want to wait till Arsyad is big enuff so that he will be sleeping in his own room bila semua dh lengkap. 

I still don't know how to decorate his room. I want it to be colourful and so fun to look at. I want him to love his own room. Everytime I went to Ikea, I always imagine myself decorating his room with all the colorful bedroom set. But all of that costs a lot. Have to buy one by one la jwbnye, baru tak rasa sgt kan duit mengalir. Hehe.

Teringin sgt nk bilik mcm ni. Masa kecik dulu tak dpt bilik best camni, now bley berangan buat kat anak plak kan.. :-)

Cute je kan Mammut nye furnitures ni..

Ni pon nice..

Ape pon kene cat bilik Arsyad dulu. Hehe.


  1. hehehe..tetibe diriku juge berangan tuk bilik faris heehhe sooo sweeet :)

  2. berangan dulu nnti jd kenyataan.. hehe.. now~ jue dh tak larat tgk toys arsyad merata2 dlm umah.. nak tanak kene buat bilik dia menarik baru dia nk main dlm tu.. hopefully soon akan siap la bilik dia..

  3. wahhh.. lepas ni arsyad dpt bilik cantekk..!! selamat mendeko jue! :)
