
Monday, October 17, 2011

Me in 35 Weeks of Pregnancy

Wow~ I'm in 35 weeks already.. I've started to feel that my baby is in lower position already.. Everyday I feel like he is pushing his head down, getting himself ready to see mama, papa and his big brother, Arsyad.. Hehe.. Mama can't wait to see u too baby.. 

I didn't gain weight so much like my first pregnancy.. Maybe coz I've to look after my active toddler all the time, so I burnt a lot of calories.. Hehe.. My baby also quite small, but still in normal range.. Harap2 baby sihat je dlm perut mama ni.. :-)

Btw, hubby suddenly wanted to take photos of me during my pregnancy.. We just do it at home and just using his iPhone.. haha.. So, this is one of my favorites.. Others still in his handphone.. I want to do it again after this.. Hopefully Arsyad will behave and will be in the photo too.. Hehe

My tummy is so small in this picture.. Maybe bcoz of the cardigan that I wore.. Actually it is bigger than that.. :D

p/s: Please buy a new lense before I give birth darling.. hehe.. I can't use your iPhone all the time.. Hehe


  1. hehhee photo tu sgt cantek! cant wait to c ur baby too dear fren :)

  2. gambar ni mmg cantik. mesti arsyad happy lepas ni bila ada baby. tapi masa akak preggy dulu, perut punyala besar, nak jln pun tak larat. kwn2 kat ofis slalu ejek akak mama peguin

  3. fiza: thanks dear.. :-)

    mamasyaza: harap2 arsyad happy la n tak jeles.. hehe.. sy mmg genetic pregnant takkan membesar sgt.. all my sisters mcmtu.. hehe

  4. Hee..gambar ni..sgt jeles..cute miut..
