
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Free Samples From Libresse

I just received free samples from Libresse last 2 days.. Who doesn't love freebies right? I forgot when and where I applied for the free samples.. This is not the first time I received free samples.. I just applied for the free samples from any site that I found.. I did reveive Kotex Luxe samples, Mamypoko pants samples for Arsyad, Pediasure, Sustagen and lots more samples, and most of them are for my lil one. You can apply them too. Just hop on to their website and go to the free sample link. You just have to wait coz it might takes few weeks for them to deliver it to you. Hehe.


  1. hehehe..jarang apply tp mmg ebst dpt feebies kan? so far, yg ade dpt for faris :)

  2. byk gak dpt sample pun kan.hehehh..kdg2 makeup, lipstic n susu...

    err i suka pakai libresse

  3. fiza: mmg best pon dpt freebies.. haha

    sisdee: best ek pkai libresse? i tak penah try.. pasni bley la try sample2 ni..hehe

  4. Mmg sifat semula jadi pempuan kot suke freebies hihi

    Yani xpernah apply lagi sume ni..cuma masa awal pregnant tu gigih la duk kumpul susu..last2 satu pin tak terusik..hihi

    Harus try pad n pampers lak lepas ni...yang ni konfem guna..btw libresse mmg best
