
Friday, September 23, 2011

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag

This is just a list from my experience for my own future reference. Hope it will be useful to you too.


- Tops : preferably button in front, easy for breastfeeding
- Skirt or kain batik
- Towel
- Disposable panties
- Nursing bra
- Breast pad
- Slipper and socks
- Maternity pad
- Toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, facial cleanser, moisturizer (just bring the traveling size pack)
- Snacks and milo 3 in 1 - nanti lapar je manjang.. hehe
- Breast pump and bottles 
- Handphone charger
- Camera


- 1 or 2 rompers
- 1 or 2 sleepsuits
- Mittens and booties
- Receiving or swaddling blanket
- Diapers
- Baby wipes
- Baby balm, baby lotion, minyak telon

I think that's all. Have to start put it all in the bag right away. :-)


  1. He He He..chumelnya blog awkk..
    he he..Info yg bagus ni..suka2..

  2. hehehe.. tak comel pon.. dh lama nk tukar layout tak tukar2.. hehe
