
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Roti or Kayu Keramat..

I'm so damn lazy to cook today. We just ate fried rice for lunch and I tried my 1st ever roti keramat or orang Terengganu called it "kayu khamat" for tea.. hehe.. Well, I prepared the dough earlier as we need to leave it for about 1 to 2 hours before we fry it.. 

It is so easy to do. I forgot where did I get the recipe. I copied it long time ago. Btw, this is the easy peasy recipe:

  • 500g flour
  • 1 teaspoon soda bicarbonate
  • 1 teaspoon instant yeast mauripan
  • 6 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon planta
  • 300ml warm water
  • a pinch of salt if you like
How to:
  1. Mix the yeast with a small amount of warm water and leave it for a while.
  2. Then whisk sugar with the balance of warm water. 
  3. Mix the flour and planta well, then add on the soda bicarbonate. Mix well okay.
  4. Then add on the yeast and sugar that you mix with warm water earlier in the flour bit by bit.
  5. Mix well then leave the dough for about 1 -2 hours. You can see the dough become bigger after 2 hours.
  6. Then, punch the dough. Tumbuk kuat2, haha. And cut it for about 5 to 7cm.
  7. Heat your pan. Pull the dough and twist it, then fry it till it turns golden color.
  8. Now you're done. Eat it with hot tea. Yummy~

Happy trying.. :-)


  1. wah so yummy!!!!..tq for the resepi....1st time kot i tgk nie :)

  2. jue, ni same mcm cakoi ke..??
    first time dengar nama roti keramat..
    thanks for the recipe~!! :)

  3. new knew such recipe existed until I saw yours. great.

  4. I call it roti kramat! hehe taste nicer and better than cakoi! yummieh..bila masa plok belajar buat roti kramat ni?? resipi bonda ke?

  5. sisdee : try tau..sodap!!

    nYomel: ni bukan mcm cakoi..rupa lebey kurang tp lain..

    ken: taste nice too

    Nava: try it.. :)

    Jem: blaja online je..

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