
Monday, November 2, 2009

Watching My Baby Sleep

Watching my baby sleep is like watching a part of me breathe outside my body.. It is very peaceful.. I wonder if it'll be like this forever.. I love to watch my lil one sleeping.. Even if i'm dead tired and should be taking a nap or sleep myself, i can't help to just stare at him..It's been 10 months, the way his sleeps, his hands, the sweet arch of his lip and crease of his chin are still the same, unchanged.. :)

Here's Arsyad at his 1st week of life..

And here he is at 10 months and 6 days old..

Do u watch ur baby sleep?

1 comment:

  1. i do, i do :-) beautiful, peaceful moments. bless the babies. and mummies :-)
