
Friday, November 6, 2009

Breastfeeding Tips

So many people asking me about breastfeeding.. I am not an expert, but i can share a bit about the breastfeeding tips based on my experience..

Well, i can simply say, breastfeeding my child is one of the best things i can do for my lil one.. It offers a variety of healthful benefits.. Here are some tips on how to make it easier for u to breastfeed ur baby:-
  • Try to place ur baby at the breast as soon as possible after birth.. Ideally, this will happen right in the delivery room.. Please ensure that the practitioner will allow u to nurse in the delivery room if all goes normal..
  • Babies only minutes old will often crawl up to the breast from our abdomen, and start breastfeeding all by themselves.. This process may take up to an hour or longer, but we should be given this time together with our baby to start learning about each other.. Babies who "self-attach" run into far fewer breastfeeding problems.. This skin to skin contact will also help keep the baby warm..
  • Try to get some professional help, such as a lactation specialist.. In the hospital, u can ask if a lactation consultant or a nurse who is knowledgeable about breastfeeding can observe ur technique.. If u leave the hospital before receiving any guidance, make sure that someone with breastfeeding expertise evaluates ur technique..
  • If possible, try to stay in the same room with ur baby.. Tell the nurse that u want to fully breastfeed ur baby and want the baby to be with u in ur room.. Make sure u tell them at the beginning coz they'll consider u want to have some rest and they will take care of the baby at the nursery room.. Private hospital usually practice this..
  • Mothers and babies learn how to sleep in the same rhythm.. Thus, when the baby starts waking for a feed, we, mothers will also start to wake up naturally.. The baby shows long before he starts crying that he is ready to feed.. His breathing may change, for example.. Or he may start to stretch.. We, mother, being in light sleep, will awaken, our milk will start to flow and the calm baby will be content to nurse..
  • A baby who has been crying for some time before being tried on the breast may refuse to take the breast even if he/she is ravenous.. Mothers and babies should be encouraged to sleep side by side in the hospital.. This is a great way for mothers to rest while the baby nurses.. So that breastfeeding can be relaxing, not tiring..
  • Babies will take whatever method gives them a rapid flow of fluid and may refuse others that do not.. Thus, in the first few days, when the mother is producing only a little milk and the baby gets a bottle from which he/she gets rapid flow, he/she will tend to prefer the rapid flow method.. Just bcoz a baby will take both, doesn't mean that the natural method is not more beneficial..
  • Nurse on demand, up to 12 feedings a day.. This will keep ur baby happy and will increase ur milk supply to meet the demand as it grows.. Also, dun let ur baby sleep thru a feeding.. If it's been 3 hours since ur newborn last fed, then it's time to wake him or her up..
  • Nurse for as long as the baby wants.. Most newborns require 10 to 45 minutes to complete a feeding..
  • Try not to impose too many restrictions on the length or frequency of breastfeeding..
  • A baby who drinks well will not be on the breast for hours at a time.. Thus, if he is, it is usually bcoz he is not latching on well and not getting the milk that is available.. Get help to fix the baby's latch, and use compression to get the baby more milk..
  • Dun try and feed ur baby if he/she is screaming.. If crying has begun, do some rocking and soothing before u start nursing.. U can also try offering ur finger to suck on until the baby calms down..
  • The key to successful breastfeeding is a proper latch.. Before u leave the hospital, u should be shown how to get ur baby latched on properly.. U should also know that he is actually getting milk from the breast..
  • Position urself comfortably with back support and pillows supporting ur arms and in ur lap..
  • Position baby close to u, with his hips flexed, so that he doesn't has to turn his head to reach ur breast.. His mouth and nose should be facing ur nipple.. If possible, ask ur spouse to hand u the baby once u are comfortable..
  • Support ur breast so it is not pressing on ur baby's chin.. Ur baby's chin should drive into ur breast..
  • If u are feeling pain, detach baby gently and try again..
  • As long as you are comfortable and baby is nursing successfully, use whateva works for u.. There are a variety of breastfeeding positions to try..
  • It is very important to bring the baby to ur nipple height.. Leaning over ur baby can cause backaches, neck and shoulder strain, or sore nipples..
  • Whatever it is DUN GIVE UP!!
I watched this video during my pregnancy to prepare myself on how to breastfeed my baby.. Enjoy~

Hope these tips can give u some overview to start ur breastfeeding journey.. Happy breastfeeding.. :)


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