
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Contractor Hunting!!

Huhu~ this weekend both of us were so damn busy - meeting with contractors, went to open house and also surveyed the furnitures.. Alhamdulillah, we managed to see 4 contractors.. Actually, we just did 2 appointments, but then another 2 just came to our house and quote us the price..

Lots of our neighbours already started the renovation, even our next door's neighbour already moved in.. waa~ so jealous!! We need to push the developer to repair all the defects at our house.. if not, we can't start the renovation yet.. So, this week need to sit down with hubby, compare all the quotations and then choose the lucky contractor.. We already have the design in our mind, luckily hubby was quite good in drawing.. haha.. it was easy for him to sketch the design to the contractor.. kalau suruh i, confirm contractor tu tak paham.. coz my hubby can't visualize at all when i sketched our kitchen cabinet's design.. :P

Huh~ i've learnt a lot about home renovation, the terms and so on.. Of coz need to study a bit about all the kitchen cabinet, the grill, plaster ceiling and etc., not just for our own knowledge but then to avoid from kene tipu jugak.. I always thought that the wiring is not that expensive, but then way i was wrong.. it is actually quite expensive!! But, if u got lucky, certain contractors are willing to do it for free if we do the plaster ceiling from them..

Hurm~ lots of things need to be considered.. we've already booked our kitchen cabinet, already bought the hood and hob.. Just need to decide the contractor for plaster ceiling, grill and together with the wiring for all the lights and fans.. For the wardrobe, 50-50.. It is not our 1st priority, maybe we need to hold it first coz of the tight budget.. Oh~ i almost forgot!! The curtains!! I haven't survey anything yet for the curtains.. Any suggestions??

Hurm~ that's all for now.. maybe i'll always talk about our home progress.. haha.. coz that is what we always discuss for the time being.. sleepy and tired already.. nite!!

1 comment:

  1. curtains..curtain poles from ikea and raw materials from lotsa good kedai kain in KL, sure u can save thousands ;-) i always go simple anyway ;-) all d best. we'll visit and learn the cost etc fr you soon ;-)
