
Friday, September 11, 2009

Amsyar's 5th Birthday Celebration


Birthday boy - busy playing all by himself :D
Another birthday celebration in Ramadhan.. nice date haa 090909.. this time, we celebrate it at Tony Roma's, Cineleisure.. All of us gathered there around 845pm.. it was so much fun, gathered together again with all the families.. and the kiddos were having fun playing.. :) 

Birthday cake.. yummmyy!!
Happy Birthday To U.. Happy Birthday To U.. 
Happy Birthday To Amsyar.. Happy Birthday To U ..
Cutting cake session.. 
My cutie lil pie.. ade 1 tu meraung coz mama n papa tak layan..haha
Arsyad & his cousins..
Arsyad & papa.. takde pon pic ngan mama.. :(
Happy birthday Amsyar.. and btw, Arsyad wanna wish Happy 2nd Birthday to Adieb too.. muuahh mmuuaahh~

p/s: green theme la plak this time.. :P

1 comment:

  1. Hehhehe.. nice photos!! nak jugak update but takde gambar with me langsung..
