
Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Want....Uurrrmmm...

Had our breakfast at Old Town White Coffee.. as Arsyad can sit now, so we put him on the high chair.. while we're bz flipping thru our menu, he's bz shouting so that we gave him the menu booklet.. haha.. it was so loud.. "tatatataa dadadadada"... so here he is, wanna make an order too..

looking at other kids,
wondering what do they have for their breakfast..
finally, i've got the menu..hurm~ what do i wanna eat??
flipping thru the menu..
waaa~~ it looks yummy!!
uurrmm..what about this one mama??
i want this one!! this one mama!!
"dadadadadada!!!" (calling the waiter)
my food is here..nyum2
its soo yummy mama!!

p/s: sorry video terbalik..record it using my phone..hehe


  1. hey bleh guna picasa 3 utk rotatekan video lah.. edit balik laa :)

  2. Hi..Visiting you.. owww.... hansemnyerrrrr!!! ^_^
