
Sunday, March 22, 2009


It's almost 3 weeks since my last entry..yeah~ my time was fully occupied wif my precious one, Arsyad..n the worse thing is, no internet connection at home..gggrrrr!!!so, obviously i can't update my blog..

hmm~, so what did i do for the past 3 weeks?? i've my lil time, reading novels, magazines (cars n photography of course..that's the only magazines that my hubby bought)..n i managed to do my own facial.. :) just a simple one, using scrub, mask n moisturizer..that's all..its been a long time since my last facial..i think before my wedding hubby also helped me by doing massage to my leg and my nice n i'm not able to leave my baby so long for the facial n massage, so just do it at home..its easy, as long as u've all the things needed :)

n last nite all of us were invited to Abang's house to celebrate Ahnaf 2nd birthday..will update the piccas later, how's my lil Arsyad's doing?of course he is chubbier..and he will turn to 3 months old next fast huh??now he can grab things, loves when mama n papa do bubling in front of him..he will be so excited and try to do it as well..but, it turns out he just do bubles with his air liur..hehe..every morning, i will let him watch thomas n frens vcd so that i can have my breakfast, do my laundry..he will fast asleep while watching it, about 1/2 an hour later..tomorrow mama will let u watch baby enstein plak kay.. :) n now he likes to put his fingers inside his mouth..usually when he wants his precious milk, not all the time..

hurm..i think that's all for now..will update more n more after this.. :)

all the piccas captured using my phone..sorry for the blurr a bit.. :p

Arsyad will smile everytime he wakes up..

Arsyad isap jari, peluk bantal n urm~ solat..haha..
tp wrong hand la Arsyad..

Arsyad was so excited when mama do the bubling..


  1. ok it's time to get the musical toys then.. Hahahhaha..Thomas&Friends? too much for 3mths old!Hahahaha.. i got 3 baby Einstein dvd, lupa pulak nak kasi Aqil tengok since we moved here :P pasal tele is controlled by his 2 brothers! :P kasilah Arsyad tengok on yr laptop, lotsa things for him at websites. Aqil dah tahu phonic a,b,c dah thru Starfall..esp C, he will say 'Kkhhhkhh' sampai keluar2 air liur! Hahhahahaha..

  2. ops! tersilap under naz acct. plak. it's me :P

  3. this morning start bg Arsyad watch baby einstein..he loves it.. :D sometimes bg jugak Arsyad tgk starfall, the phonic A B C..tgk smpai A-Z 1 round je then trus his mama always sing an A B C song, nursery rhymes and mcm2 lg..hehe..
