My Beautiful & Lovely Life

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dry Skin No More..

Lately, I don't have enough sleep at night.. Farrel will wake up once in 1 to 2 hours time, he might be very hungry as he didn't eat that much during the day.. I think I just sleep for about 2 to 3 hours time at night, others tido2 ayam je coz baru je terlelap terpaksa bangun balik to breastfeed Farrel.. Huh~

That explains why my dark circle and eye bag become so obvious for the past 2 3 weeks.. And my skin became quite dry and small pimples start to come out.. Then I realize I have to start my mask routine back.. 

I started to use back my 2 favorite masks every week.. It has been 3 weeks now, I've been using these 2 masks, once a week..The first mask is Mary Kay Botanical Effects Formula 2 (F2) Mask.. 

MK Botanical Effects F2 Mask - RM80

This mask deep cleans as it gently exfoliates.. I love it very much coz the first time I use it, I immediately can see the difference.. It makes my skin brighter and all the small pimples started to go away.. :-) Bintik2 halus semua dah takde coz the mask is just like a scrub too.. 

And for my dry skin issue, I use Mary Kay TimeWise Moisture Renewing Gel mask.. When you use it, you can't barely feel like you are wearing a mask coz it is just like the moisturizer.. I just apply it on before bed and wash it the next morning.. Love my skin after that, really soft and smooth and not to mention it feels moisturized.. :-)

MK TimeWise Moisture Renewing Gel Mask - RM110

Sorry for not uploading any picture before and after wearing the masks, I don't have time to snap any.. hehe.. but honestly the mask really2 works.. Interested to try, do e-mail me at

p/s: All Mary Kay products price are inclusive postage to your doorstep.. So no need to worry the postage fee :-)

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Little Update

It is so hard for me to online nowadays.. Once a day for 5 minutes time is good enough for me to get myself updated on what's happening around me and my friends.. Eventhough I didn't blog everyday but I still try to read all of your blogs and thanks for those who keep on visiting mine..

I did have 3 hours time when Arsyad goes to school, but I can't do much as I need to finish up all my house chores; cooking, laundrying, ironing, vacuuming, moping.. And not to mention need to watch my lil prince, Farrel who is very very active nowadays.. He can crawl very fast now, and able to sit on his own without support.. Did I mention that he just turn to 8 months old last 2 days?? Wow~~ so fast huh?? In 4 months time he'll be 1 year old already.. I still didn't blog about his milestone when he was 6 and 7 months old.. Sorry Farrel I'll try to put it all in one entry InsyaAllah.. I wanna keep it in here just like Arsyad so that I'll read it again one day..

Btw, it has been a month Arsyad went to school.. Alhamdulillah, he didn't cry everytime I sent him there..He seems excited everytime he saw his school from far, but always made a sad face everytime I left him.. Whatever it is, he is just fine.. He loves doing the arts and crafts at school, loves playing with his friends and teachers.. I'm glad that he was having fun.. :-)

He is such a big boy.. I still can remember he used to bring his toys anywhere he goes, but now
he'll left them in the car everytime he went to school.. He'll grab his backpack and bottle water and then walk with me to his class.. I always think that he will have a hard time to adapt as he didn't go to any nursery, always stay with me 24-7 at home.. But I was totally wrong!! Alhamdulillah.. I hope he'll learn something good at school.. :-)

Okay, enough for now.. I was updating my blog in the middle of the night while my babies were sleeping and my hubby is working tonight.. Hope, I can update more often and share some of the testimonials from my Mary Kay's customers.. :-)

Till then, take care.. :D

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