6th November 2011 - 10 Zulhijjah 1432H, 947am
I still can remember what happen on that day. How it was started and how it ends. I can't believe I can go through all the pains and the joy that I felt right after that. Nothing can't describe how I felt and the only word I can say is Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah, syukur pada-MU ya ALLAH.
It all started on 5th Nov, around 9pm. As we're getting ready to go out to have our dinner, suddenly I felt something came out from my v*****. I just ignored it at first, coz I thought it was just a normal discharge. Then, when we arrived at the restaurant, I felt the same thing again, it was like *gush*. I went to the toilet and checked, it was just a clear water. Then I started to think, maybe it is the time. I called my sister and asked her about it, then she said it was PROM (premature rupture of membranes). She asked me to monitor it first, before decided to go to the hospital coz I didn't feel any contractions yet.
So, I ate my dinner then went home. But it kept on came out every 10 minutes. Around 12am, hubby and I decided to go to the hospital, afraid if my water keep on leaking and my baby won't get enough oxygen. At first, my hubby was cool as usual, but once he saw too much water came out, he started to panic. Not panic actually but worried. Hehe.
We arrived at the hospital around 2am, need to send Arsyad to my BIL's house first. Alhamdulillah, Arsyad was sleeping at that time. The oncall doctor came in to my room and checked on me, I was already 4cm dilated at that time. Alhamdulillah, I didn't feel anything. Then we just wait till the next morning to see the progress. Nothing was done that night, just do the CTG, checked my blood pressure and temperature.
Around 7am, my OB came in and checked my dilation, still 4cm. I was a bit worried as I've already started to feel the contraction around 5am that morning. Then, she started giving me medicine. After that, it was so damn fast. Around 8am I already 6cm dilated. Everytime I felt the contraction, it felt like I was going to the loo. I told the nurse and I asked her for the penthadine. But the nurse said she need to asked my OB first, and guess what?? The doctor was at the mosque, semayang raya. Ok good, doa tuk saya byk2 ye doc.. Hehe..
The nurse then pushed me to the labor ward. I told the nurse again that I felt like wanna push already. Then she checked on me, "Alamak dh 9cm. Tunggu ye puan, jap agi doctor sampai". Adooii~ sabo je la bley plak nk tunggu2. At that time she already gave me the penthadine, but no point. I can feel the pain till the end.
When the doctor came in, she asked me to push everytime I felt the contraction. I can feel the baby was moving. My hubby was holding my head and kept on telling me "sikit lagi sayang sikit lg. Dah nampak dh kepala". Dalam 5 kali push, my baby's head was still there. Then I saw the doctor brought out the forceps and I was like oh no!! She said, "saya bantu puan sikit yer". I just turn my face to my husband and he was hugging me and then I can feel the pain when the doctor put the forceps inside me. I still can remember I said "sakitnya", then my baby came out and pee. Hehe. Semua sakit hilang when I saw my baby. Then the penthadine started to work. I felt sleepy and fall asleep right after that. I just said to the nurse, I wanna full breastfeed my baby then I can't remember what happen.
I woke up about 1 hour after that, then I was brought to my room. My hubby was waiting for me, and he kissed me and said "thank you sayang". I felt so relieved and happy, everything went well. And my baby was born on hari yang sungguh mulia, Hari Raya Aidiladha. Alhamdulillah, dapat jgk I merasa normal delivery eventho forceps. It felt so different compared to c-sect. The recovery was faster and I felt better than before. Alhamdulillah, syukur.
Syed Farrel Ahmad Bin Syed Zulhilmi
Weight: 2.8kg
Height: 50cm