My Beautiful & Lovely Life

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

My New Toy

It is not actually Arsyad's new toy.. hehe.. selalu beli tuk Arsyad je kan, so mama la plak wanna have a new toy.. :) i've never thought that i'll get this new toy NOW coz i still can use the old one.. but then, hubby wanna give me a present, so, why not?? I always dream to have a MacBook.. even i told him if i wanna buy a new lappy, i'll buy a MacBook..  

So, here it is my new MacBook Pro.. hehe.. i love it sooo much.. eventho i'm not pro enuf using it.. haha.. thanks hubby for the lappy.. love u love u love u sooooo much~ (tak dpt MacBook Pro pon i still love u baby..mmmuuuaaahhhss~)

And, this is my old lappy, Dell Inspiron 510M.. eventho it looks old, but i still love using it.. i've already using it for almost 5 years i guess, since i was studying in UTP.. i'll bring my old lappy everywhere i go as it is small compared to my MacBook Pro.. maybe~ hahaha.. 

Need to buy a new cover for my lappy.. hurm~

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More and More Great News!!

I'm so happy today and extremely happy tonite.. hehe.. this evening, got a call from 1 beauty centre or to be exact slimming centre.. i've one of the lucky winners, receiving their 1 free slimming treatment worth RM180.. as far as i know, i've never joined any contest and.. slimming treatment?? can't u see that i'm super slim?? all i need is fat.. is there any treatment to make us fat?? hahaha.. i wish i can gain weight just by going thru all the treatments.. :P and i wish if the prize will be the spa treatment.. uhh!! i really2 need that!!

Then later this evening, hubby asked me whether wanna go berbuka puasa to the Palace of The Golden Horses this weekend.. huh~ he made me thinking for a while.. is there any special occasion that i forgot?? our anniversary?? that was last February.. my birthday?? celebrated at the hotel.. his birthday?? takkan hubby nak belanja plak kan?? n after all, his birthday is in December.. hahaha.. then he told me that he received a call from that hotel, inviting us to the Majlis Berbuka Puasa - for free of coz, Friday till Sunday.. so, we just need to set the date and they'll reserve a table for us.. hurm~ still thinking whether wanna go there or not coz the food is just so-so.. but, after a second thought, its free.. so why not?? then, we can go touring the hotel's room.. :) (still dun have the opportunity to sleep there yet..hurm~)

And, the one that makes me so damn excited is, when i heard something that i dream to have for quite some time - will be mine soon.. make sure u keep ur promise ya darling!! hahaha.. will update soon~~ :D

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mini Volkswagen

We went to the One Utama to redeem my Clarins's voucher gift.. then while walking, something caught my eyes.. the mini volkswagen!! hehe.. there were also bus and pets.. as Arsyad loves too watch Roary The Racing car, so we bought him the mini volkswagen.. tak dpt volkswagen btol pon, dpt the mini one pon ok la kan arsyad.. haha

It's actually a toy.. Arsyad just like to play with it for a few minutes then he'll throw it away.. its okay, coz mama loves to hug the car while sleeping.. hehe.. we can bring the car as our travel companion for our balik kampung trip to KT kay arsyad.. :)


Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Little Stunt

It was noon.. we were in the living room - Arsyad was in his baby rocker and me on the other hand, was surfing the internet, blogging, facebook-ing and watching tele, just beside him.. :P my lil Arsyad was happily playing with his Dino (his Lamaze Dinosour toy), so i didn't bother to buckle him up.. i thought he would stay in the same exact position when i left him.. but sometimes he will sit and move his body forward to touch the button in front of his rocker.. i thought it would be okay just to let him like that and the most extreme stunt he would do is roll over a bit in his rocker.. after all, i was just a few inches away from him..

But boy i was wrong.. when i was busy stealing the crops in the Facebook, Barn Buddy application (kantoi..hahaha), i was shocked to see my baby standing, holding the rocker with his right hand, and the other one was touching my leg.. he just looked at me with a smile on his face.. it was so damn cute.. luckily i was there..

innocent face.. :D
where are u going Arsyad??dh penat berdiri, duduk plak.. suke hati nk duduk camane pon..
he loves to play with his Dino's tail
But this must never happen again!! i'll buckle u up baby whenever u're in the rocker even u're crying out loud.. huhu~ cruel mama!! but it's for ur own safety okay.. love u baby~

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Alhamdulillah, today is our 1st day puasa.. Di kesempatan ini, kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan Salam Ramadhan to all.. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini membawa seribu keberkatan dan kerahmatan dlm kehidupan kita seharian.. ameen~

Untuk renungan kita bersama, sama-samalah kita hayati fadhilat-fadhilat mengerjakan Solat Tarawih di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini:-

1. Malam Pertama
Diampuni dosa orang-orang yg beriman sebagaimana keadaannya baru dilahirkan

2. Malam Ke-2

Diampunkan dosa orang-orang yg beriman yg mengerjakan Solat Tarawih, serta dosa-dosa
kedua ibubapanya

3. Malam Ke-3
Para malaikat di bwh 'Arasy menyeru kpd manusia yg mengerjakan Solat Tarawih itu agar
meneruskan solatnya pd mlm2 yg lain, semoga Allah akan mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka

4. Malam Ke-4
Orang-orang yg mengerjakan Solat Tarawih akan memperolehi pahala sebagaimana pahala
yg diperolehi oleh orang-orang yg membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran

5. Malam Ke-5
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan pahala seumpama pahala orang-orang yg mengerjakan
sembahyang di Masjidil Haram, Masjidil Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa

6. Malam Ke-6
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan kepadanya pahala seumpama pahala malaikat-malaikat yg
bertawaf di Baitul Makmur serta setiap batu dan tanah berdoa untuk keampunan
orang-orang yg mengerjakan tarawih mlm itu

7. Malam Ke-7
Seolah-olah ia dpt bertemu dgn Nabi Musa a.s serta menolong Nabi Musa menentang
musuhnya Fir'aun dan Hamman

8. Malam Ke-8
Allah SWT mengurniakan pahala orang yg bersolat tarawih sebagaimana pahala yg
dikurniakan kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s

9. Malam Ke-9
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu ibadat hamba-Nya seperti Nabi
Muhammad s.a.w

10. Malam Ke-10
Allah SWT mengurnikan kepadanya kebaikan dunia dan akhirat

11. Malam Ke-11
Ia meninggal dunia dlm keadaan bersih dari dosa seperti baru dilahirkan

12. Malam Ke-12
Ia akan dibangkitkan pada hari kiamat dgn muka yg bercahaya-cahaya

13. Malam Ke-13
Ia akan dtg pada hari kiamat di dlm keadaan aman sentosa dari sebarang kejahatan dan

14. Malam Ke-14
Malaikat-malaikat akan dtg menyaksikan mereka bersolat tarawih serta Allah SWT tidak
akan menyesatkan mereka

15. Malam Ke-15
Semua malaikat yg memikul 'Arasy dan Kursi akan berselawat dan mendoakannya supaya
Allah mengampunkannya

16. Malam Ke-16
Allah SWT menuliskan baginya dari kalangan mereka yg terlepas dari api neraka dan
dimasukkan ke dlm syurga

17. Malam Ke-17
Allah SWT menuliskan baginya pahala pada mlm ini sebanyak pahala para Nabi

18. Malam Ke-18
Malaikat akan menyeru: Wahai hamba Allah sesungguhnya Allah telah redha denganmu dan
dengan kedua ibubapamu (yg masih hidup atau yg sudah mati)

19. Malam Ke-19
Allah SWT akan meninggikan darjatnya di dlm Syurga Firdaus

20. Malam Ke-20
Allah SWT mengurnikan kepadanya pahala sekalian orang yg mati syahid dan orang-orang
yg soleh

21. Malam Ke-21
Allah SWT akan membina untuknya sebuah mahligai di dalam syurga yg diperbuat dari

22. Malam Ke-22
Ia akan dtg pada hari kiamat di dlm keadaan aman dari sebarang huru-hara pada hari

23. Malam Ke-23
Allah SWT akan membina untuknya sebuah bandar di dalam syurga daripada cahaya

24. Malam Ke-24
Allah SWT akan membuka peluang untuk 20 tahun ibadat bagi orang-orang yg
mengerjakan solat tarawih pada mlm tersebut

25. Malam Ke-25
Allah SWT akan mengangkat seksa kubur darinya

26. Malam Ke-26
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan pahala 40 tahun ibadat bagi orang-orang yg mengerjakan
solat tarawih pada mlm tersebut

27. Malam Ke-27
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan kepadanya kemudahan untuk melintasi titian sirat sepantas

28. Malam Ke-28
Allah SWT akan menaikkan kedudukannya seribu darjat di akhirat

29. Malam Ke-29
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan kepadanya pahala seribu haji yg mabrur

30. Malam Ke-30
Allah SWT akan memberi penghormatan kepada orang-orang yg bertarawih pada mlm
terakhir dgn firman-Nya yg bermaksud: Wahai hambaku! makanlah segala jenis
buah-buahan yg engkau ingini untuk dimkn di dlm syurga dan mandilah kamu di dlm sungai
yg bernama salsabil serta minumlah air dari telaga yg dikurniakan kepada Nabi Muhammad
s.a.w yg bernama Al-Kautsar

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal~ :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Me Time..

My baby is so happy, not cranky at all.. even he woke up quite late today.. so, i've a chance to pamper myself.. :) i used to have a long shower, scrubbing my body and face once a week.. but then, it is quite some time i didn't do all that.. i still scrub my face once a week, but my body?? naadaaa!! i dun have so much time to do all that, my baby will cry if i left him alone even for 5 minutes.. so how i'm gonna have time to have my looooonnngg shower???

So today, i've my very loooonnngggg shower ever.. hehe. best2.. shampoo my hair, scrub my body and face.. i love it.. it feels so fresh n relax with all the smells.. after scrubbing, i used this Crabtree & Evelyn In Shower Moisturizer.. it will makes ur skin feel smooth and soft.. it is good to have this if you dun have time to apply on the lotion or the body cream after shower..

Thanks baby for giving me my "Me Time".. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Broadband by DiGi

Yea~ we've finally managed to subscribe the Explore Plan, DiGi Broadband (from RM108/month, now only RM88/month).. i'm using it now.. so far so good, it is faster than Celcom.. but, we still need to test the coverage at our new home at Subang Galaxy.. if it is not ok, then we can return it back within 7 days time and they'll refund our money back..

FYI, they've promotion now for students and free HP Mini laptop if u subscribe one of the plans available now.. but then we didn't take the laptop coz the modem is built-in, so we can't use it on the other lappy.. hubby n i both have our own lappy, so sometimes if my hubby wanna do his work, he needs an access too.. thus, no need for us to have another laptop.. unless it is MacPro.. hahaha.. i wish~

If u wish to have a broadband, go n try this DiGi broadband.. but check the coverage first, check whether ur place is covered or not.. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Getting Ready..

It is so hard to get my lil Arsyad ready after shower.. he'll roll over here n there, try to grab something that makes me so difficult to put his nappy on.. ggggrrr!! now i know how to make him stay put.. just give him his toothbrush, the lotion bottle and the EMBB.. good boy~~

now, it is easy for me to get him ready.. just need to get everything (lotion, EMBB, shirt n pant and diaper) ready before i start the bath.. if i forget an item, i'll have to carry him with me.. sgt la tak larat coz he is so heavy nowadays.. i wonder how much weight he gains in this 2 months time.. last time was 7.6kg when he was 6 months old.. his next appointment is on 3rd Sept for his pneumococcal injection.. so afraid to go to the hospital now.. hurm~

my handsome lil boy :D

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Baby My Love My Precious..

My 7 months old baby is so attached to me.. he cries when i leave the room and even cries sometimes when i just walked a few feet away from him.. yeah i stay at home with him 24-7, but with this kind of behavior, it makes me impossible to get anything done.. even sometimes, i can't prepare anything for lunch.. just grab some biscuits or bread (camane mama tak kurus?? iiskk2) and of coz call McD delivery.. but then, we can't eat fast food everyday rite?? soo not healthy..

I know my baby is at the age for the beginning of separation anxiety.. it's natural for him to want to be super glued to my side since i'm the one he spends the majority of his time with.. so what did i do to gently ease him towards more independence?? of coz not by scolding at him.. sometimes geram jugak, but then what to do.. he's still a baby, still learning and the most important thing is he wanna feel safe and secured.. and where he can get all of that?? of coz, thru his parents, the one that he can rely on, all the time.. :)

I didn't push him away everytime he cries.. if not, the harder i push, the more he'll cling.. if i want him to begin to play by himself, i'll start by having him on my lap or sit beside him and engage him in a toy or activity.. then, i move myself away, just a few inches and sit quietly and watch him playing.. if he seems comfortable, then i move myself a bit further away.. i'll return to his side if he shows any sign of anxiety.. eventually, i'll be able to move an entire room away for brief periods!!

his favorite toy now.. the Ikea colorful cups..
And, when i move away from him, i keep on doing voice contact by singing or talking so that he knows i'm still there, not completely disappeared.. sometimes i've tried to slip away from my baby when he's not looking..hehe..cruel mama!! but then the sneak away technique doesn't work for me.. it might give me a few minutes, but when he realizes that i'm gone he'll be very upset and cry out loud!!

But sometimes when i wanna do my laundry or prepare my lunch, i'll put him in his bumbo in front of me.. he'll watch me doing all the houseworks and sometimes wanna help me too.. haha.. of coz helping me by doing all the mess.. it's ok baby.. u can help me when u're big enuf.. hehe..

Love u baby.. mmmuuuaahhhhsss~

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