
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ikan Pemanggang Ajaib

Beli pemanggang ajaib dah lama jugak, tapi baru berkesempatan pakai.. and the first thing I masak guna pemanggang ajaib ni of coz la ikan percik, favorite hubby tersayang.. memang senang and cepat.. nak cuci pon senang je compared dengan pakai oven nak kene bersih kat dalam tu kan..

Pasni bleyla try buat roasted chicken plak.. In fact nak menggoreng dalam pemanggang nk pon boleh, takdela kotor dapur kan terpercik minyak sana sini.. Sangat suka pemanggang ni.. Kalau la pemanggang dalam sedikit, bolehla buat kek kat dalsm tu kot.. hehe
Inilah hasilnya..

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Favorite Heel Cream

I memang suka bab2 sapu lotion or cream ni.. Eventho kadang2 malas tp still I akan sapu jugak especially before tido.. Time lain takle nak sapu coz kejap2 nak kene basuh tangan la, nak basuh poo poo anak lagi.. So that is the best time nak sapu..

Okay, tuk tumit I yang kadang2 sedikit kasar ni, I paling suka only this cream, Ellgy Cracked Heel Cream.. Sometimes kita selalu berdiri atas lantai yang sejuk, tak pakai selipar or socks memang boleh buat tumit kita kasar.. And kalau dibiarkan akan jadi crack, lagi sakit bila nak jalan nanti..

But then no need to worry, just apply this cream once before you go to bed and you can feel the difference right away on the next day.. remember to apply it gently then wear your socks for the whole night.. I love it..

You can buy this cream at any pharmacies, and it costs you around RM22 I think.. Try it and feel it yourself!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post Entry from my Nexus7

Hurm~ nak taip ape ek? Rase mcm2 nak cite tapi taktau nak taip mane satu dulu.. Okay one by one.. mane yang sempat la kay.. jap agi tgh2 taip ade yg panggil terpaksa stop tgh jalan.. he he

Haaa skrg I tgh syok plak layan cite Adam dan Hawa.. for sure korang pon slalu tgk kan?? Biasa sempat tgk kat je la, tu pon time Arsyad pegi school and klau Farrel tido.. Ade skali tu tgh browse cari cite Dalam Hati Ada Taman, terjumpa movie Aku Terima Nikahnya.. suka tgk Nora Danish berlakon natural jek.. He he.. even tho terpaksa tgk part by part tp best je layan.. he he

Series yg I suke layan skrg banyaakk sgt!! Jane By Design, Revenge, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and tak ingat dah ape lagi.. nasebla sumenye yg download so layan sekaligus time anak2 tido.. huhu~

Ok cite pasal anak2 plak.. 19 Nov ni birthday celebration Arsyad Kat school with his friends.. celebrate sebelum school holiday.. tgh pk nk letak ape dlm party pack, nak bwk ape for their snack.. hurm satu ape pon tak decide lagi.. theme ape pon tak pk lagi.. hmmmm

Farrel plak dah boleh jalan.. yea~~ sometimes tu nk cepat sgt sampai nmpak mcm nk berlari.. hehehe

Ok2... got  to go now..adios~

Monday, November 5, 2012

Farrel's Favorite Tumis Laksa..

Taktau la orang lain panggil ape kan, tapi my mom used to call it tumis laksa.. Farrel suka sangat makan, in fact papa Farrel pon suka makan.. Tapi takde la buat hari-hari, jap agi bosan plak makan benda sama je. Tapi kalau buat tu, 1 mangkuk memang boley abes Farrel makan. Hehe.

Tak sempat nak amek gambar, just share the simple recipe je la ek. :-)

  • bawang merah
  • bawang putih
  • carrot
  • sawi
  • ikan selayang/kembung yang telah direbus dan dihancurkan (buang tulang dahulu)
  • mee kuning/bihun
  • fish ball
  • air
  • garam
  • Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih sampai naik bau
  • Masukkan air
  • Kemudian masukkan carrot, batang sawi, fish ball dan ikan yang telah dihancurkan. Biar sampai mendidih
  • Masukkan mee kuning/bihun dan sedikit garam
  • Biar sampai mendidih dan siap
Kalau tanak masukkan ikan, boleh ganti dengan ayam. Nak tukar sayur lain pon okay. I just letak ikut apa yang ada dalam peti jek. Kalau tanak bagi kat kidsd, letak sedikit lada hitam lagi sedap. Sekejap je dah siap. Sangat senang dan sangat sedap. Hehe. Selamat mencuba!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

L'adorn London

Just bought 2 scarves from L'adorn London. All I can say is I love it!! Eventho the scarves are quite big for me, but then when I figure out how to style it then it looks just fine. 

I love the packaging. They wrap each scarf in different paper bag. And inside each paper bag, the scarves will be covered with tissue paper, black and pink tissue paper. 

That is me in their cotton's oblong shawl. I actually fold it into 2 coz the shawl is quite big. It is okay tho coz the material is quite thin so it will be transparent a bit if I just wear it as it is. The most important thing is, it is easy to wear. I love it and definitely will buy more from L'adorn London.

Do check them out coz every Monday they will update a new stock. So stay tuned!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Farrel's 1st Birthday Celebration

Alhamdulillah, Farrel dah genap setahun 10 Zulhijjah yang lalu. Sekejap je masa berlalu, I still can remember everything on that day. At first, kiteorg tak plan pon nak celebrate his birthday at our hometown, but then alang2 most of our family members balik ke kampung, so why not just did a small celebration for him. Arsyad pon every year celebrate, so it will be not fair la kan Farrel tak buat. Hehe. Nanti besar2 tanye mama balik, asal takde birthday party pon tuk Farrel?? Haaa kan susah nak jawab.. Hehe..

Anyway, I just did a simple preparation. All the main dishes done by my MIL. I just did the dessert part, dadih, apam rose and of coz the decoration. Nak jugak buat comel2 eventho tak banyak. Hehe.

Sempat jugak buat apam rose sikit.. Biasala kan dah masak terus mkn so tinggal la lagi sikit.. Hehe

This time, mama buat rainbow theme for Farrel.. Farrel kecik lg so tak pandai lg nak demand, mama belasah je la yer.. Hehe

Arsyad yang paling excited.. :D

Simple party pack je, tak sempat nak cari toys so just a simple snack kat dlm..


Farrel with his aunty, Cu Na..

Our family portrait.. susah btol nak amek gambar budak2 ni tak duduk diam..

Birthday boy yg geram tak dpt nak main dgn abang2..

Happy birthday Farrel.. Semoga Farrel Ahmad menjadi anak yang soleh, taat pada perintah Allah dan Rasul, dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik dan dimurahkan rezeki.. Amin~ :-)